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How To Create An eCommerce Privacy Policy, And Why You Should Do So Now

There’s a lot you need to consider when it comes to setting up your eCommerce store. The one thing you may not have thought about is the eCommerce privacy policy. At first you may think you can leave it till later, but it’s more important than you’d think. Here’s why, and how you can set your policy up. 

What Is An eCommerce Privacy Policy?

Firstly, let’s consider what a privacy policy actually is. You’ve probably seen them pop on many different websites, and clicked out of the box without even reading it to get to the store front. That could lead you to thinking they’re not important, but they have to be there. 

Your policy will act as a legal declaration, which protects you from legal action and other issues down the road. If you’re operating without one, it’s the equivalent of operating without a license. That’s why you see so many stores, apps and other sites making you aware of their privacy policies. 

They also work to engender trust with your customers. “When someone buys on your store front, they’re going to have to share some information” says Annalise Burton, an eCommerce writer at Essay Services. “If you have a privacy policy in place, that helps them see that you’re trustworthy, and worth buying from.”

This will allow you to create those long lasting relationships with your clients, and ensure your success over the long term. 

How To Create A Privacy Policy

Now you know why you need a privacy policy, you’ll need to create one. They look complicated on the surface, but if you follow these tips you’ll be able to put one together in no time. 

Know what information you’re collecting, and how: This is the first step towards creating your privacy policy. In your policy, you’ll need to state exactly what data you need to take from a customer, and why. If you’re taking an email address, for example, what is it being used for? You’ll want to assure the customer that you’re using it for marketing and communicating about orders, rather than selling that data on to third parties. 

As well as the why, include the how in your policy. Typically companies use browser cookies to collect information, so you’ll need to be very clear to customers about how they’re used and how you’ll use them on your site. 

Consider adding age warnings: Depending on your store and the items you sell, you may want to add age warnings or restrictions to the policy. You’ll want to be wary of children making purchases without parental permission, especially if you’re selling items aimed at children. 

You can’t stop that from happening, but what you can do is be very clear about your policy about selling to children under a certain age. If you ever believe that the policy has been breached, then you’ll need to take action. If you do this, you’re showing that you follow your policy and regulations. 

Get legal counsel: The way to write a privacy policy is with legal counsel. Your lawyer can tell you what you’ll need to include in order to protect yourself and your business. Even if you’re a new business owner, spending that money now is worth it as it can save you a lot more down the line. 

Use an online generator: There are lots of tools out there right now, where you can input the data needed for your policy, and the generator creates a policy for you. These are very helpful, but if you’re using them you need to make sure that you’re getting legal counsel first, to ensure you’re using the right info in your policy. 

Try privacy policy templates: There are also templates online that you can use to create a policy quickly. “These can be helpful in a pinch” says tech expert Jim River, from Custom Writing, “but they can be quite limited in what they offer.” These are typically something you’ll use until you can create a personalized policy instead. 

Now you know what a privacy policy is, why you need it, and how you should create it. Use this guide to create a policy that’s right for your eCommerce site. 

Madeline Miller is a writer with Custom Essay. She covers online privacy and advises businesses on the subject. She’s also a blogger.