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Agile Payments Blog



When rent payments come due, you don’t want your property management staff overwhelmed! If your property management complex is closed on the weekends, clerks are likely to be overwhelmed as soon as they open on the next available business day. Likewise, today’s customers expect to be able to make payments whenever, wherever.

Implementing IVR for Property Management will leave clerks with more time to solve customer issues and provide customers with more flexibility and options (giving customers the payment experience they’ve grown to expect). Tenants simply call a phone number, hear their account information and make a payment quickly and easily. With over 75% of general consumers saying they’ve made at least one payment per month via the phone it’s easy to see why an IVR system is so important in 2020.

Fiverr 15 industries

On the business side of things, the PCI compliant system is simple to set up, and there are no staffing considerations for human involvement on the organization’s side (which means greatly reduced organizational man hours)! “PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant” refers to the compliance with a set of industry standards that aim to ensure credit card companies are keeping customer data secure. Less human interaction in regards to payments (via the IVR system accepting payments via phone) means a reduced PCI scope.

At the end of the day Implementing IVR Payments For Property Management translates directly to better customer service. Allowing tenants to complete their utility payments at their leisure leads to happy tenants. An IVR system is automated and designed to handle large quantities of calls (relieving pressure from live workers). Automating payments, reminders, and the distribution of account info means that customer service reps can focus more energy on solving customer problems.